
We are on a mission to 

Stop Starvation and hunger around our world, in our lifetimes.


Why wait?  Stop starvation now!  Can you please help today?

Learn More
We invite you to help save the lives of the less fortunate suffering from hunger and starvation.  According to the internet, if you live in a developed nation, it would only cost you about $33 a year (9¢ a day) to wipe out starvation in our world as we know it.  People invest in many things.  How about investing $33 in "LIVES"?   Then at your Final Judgment, you can (at the very least) say this is one of the ways you tried to help others.  Will you please help us?  Please see some hunger and relief websites listed below to learn how you can help our world.

A little bit about us.  We grew up on a Holstein dairy farm. Dad milked the cows and grew farm crops for 47 years, along with running a family implement business.  Every year Dad and Mom also would faithfully grow their large vegetable garden.   We can remember absolutely wonderful meals served to the family on giant plates (15" in diameter, with a steer's head design in the center) from the cattle they raised and farm fresh vegetables they grew.


Mother would always give a full course, home-cooked meal to us and the hired hands three times a day. That's right, three times a day!  Often when we finished, there would be plenty of leftovers, and I would ask Mom, "Why can't we somehow get this food over to the starving kids in Africa?"  Mom would reply that it would spoil before it got there.  Back in those days, as a young person, I often thought it near impossible to believe that any of us could make any real difference in stopping starvation. It seemed unfair that we should have plenty, and others were hungry.

Today the internet, smart phones, specialized foods,  smarter planes, trains, and trucking systems have changed all that.  WE ARE THE GENERATION that has the knowledge and the tools to stop starvation in our country, around the world, in our lifetime.   Through the power of the internet,  smart phones and apps, it now IS possible to donate instantly to worthy charities such as:   Samaritan's Purse, Children's Hunger Relief Fund, Food For the Poor, and others--  who DO THEIR BEST to feed the poor every day or give aid when natural disasters strike.    However,  in spite of these advances, it still remains a fact that:

every few seconds . . .  a child in our world still dies of hunger.

We dedicate this website to make a difference in world hunger, including hunger in America.  Saving hungry children in our world from dying of starvation is worth it.  Starving children everywhere deserve a chance at life.   It's not their fault that they were born into poverty.  Perhaps there has been no real offer of help for them, or it might just take a little more money to get that help to them.  Please think about those truly starving children, suffering from famine or the results of war; and how they must feel as they and their family struggle to survive, and fear who among them is next to die.  Not only do they have to worry about food, but also their water supply.  Think about the mother who may have to choose among her children who gets food that day, and who's going to live and who may die.
Help them!


Children will eat dirt-- to fill their empty stomachs.
Children drink salt water-- to try to stop the pain.
For some children, it all ends TODAY or TOMORROW -- Because
out of their misery.

Let's stop starvation

How can this be done from our end of the world?

  • Be mindful of the suffering of others.
  • Did you eat out of a garbage dumpster today?
  • Did you eat other people's thrown away leftovers?

Please think of how lucky you (or YOUR children) were to be born into (or live in) an area where you have hope and food.   Should we in the developed countries just stand by and let these poor, sick and hungry children starve to death while living in relative comfort or even luxury, where even our family dogs and cats have it made?  Have we all become lovers of ourselves, and our pleasures, and hardened our hearts to the cries, fears, and tears of the innocent?   


These are hard questions.  Ask yourself where we put on this earth just to please ourselves ALL the time?   Is it not more important to think of others . . .  to think of how we can make a difference?   We are not trying to scold you, but simply trying to get you to really THINK ABOUT HOW LUCKY YOU ARE, and gratefully ask if you would help save someone else's life who is barely hanging on, and needs your help so badly.

Please try to think of how YOU Yes YOU can make that difference. 


Even if you can only make a tiny difference . . . that's OK.
IT'S A START. And, it's still a difference

You and I CAN make that difference.  Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Perhaps you can donate a little money to a hunger website.
Stop hunger where you live

at a food pantry or food packaging event (wear a mask and safely social distance if not vaccinated). 
Also, talk with others about hunger and starvation.
Find out if anyone they know has ever done anything to stop it.
What would happen if those of us in the free world who can spare at least a small donation, say even a $1 donation, donated it toward a hunger charity?

For the average person in America, they aren't so bad off yet that they can't spare $1, thank goodness.   Really think about this, please.   On TV it was mentioned people paid  $9,000 plus for a seat or table at the last big football bowl game  . . . and even as much as $150,000 for a spot closeup at the last big boxing match . . . maybe those dedicated sports fans have some spare change.  


However, because of the supply bottleneck, perhaps the price has gone up.  Wonder how much money celebs throw away that could be used to stop starvations or provide clean drinking water for the less fortunate.  Just curious . . . How much money did you  (or someone you know) spend on shopping, entertainment, sports, gambling or perhaps even lottery tickets this past year?   Now that the pandemic is here, we are humbly asking for whatever help you can spare.  God sees the good you do and He knows your heart better than anyone else.  Your works will be rewarded.  It's always nice if they could be rewarded for good!!


Now think of how many children could be helped if you or family, friends,  or coworkers all just gave a simple $1 (or even $10).   Maybe buy one less coffee, burger, fry, pizza, energy drink, pop, or pack of gum, bag of candy, etc.?    In a nutshell, for the cost of a dinner (or carryout) with your family ($33 or just 9¢ a day), you could really help save the lives of hungry or starving men, women, and children. 

Current Needs

  • Enclosed Trailer (2 axle)
  • 18' Trailer (flatbed)
  • Good Used Pickup (full sized)
  • Good Hay & Straw Bales  (FREE or LOW COST)
  • Horse Hay  (grass, alfalfa)
  • Sheep Hay  (alfalfa w/ grass)
  • Goat Hay  (alfalfa, grass) 
  • Covered Greenhouse or Wind Tunnel building
  • Heavy Tarp (Canvas or Pool)
  • Lumber / OSB Boards / 2 x 4 x 8 Boards
  • Metal Roofing
  • 3 Tab Asphalt Shingles
  • Ceiling Drywall
  • Basement Installation
  • Crawl Space Waterproofing
  • Tractor International 574 & Loader Bucket

 Urgent / Immediate Needs

  • Funds to Remodel Family Farm  (Urgently Needed for Storage & Business Operation)
  • Food Pantry Items / Non-Perishable 
  • Oxygen Machine and/ or portable Oxygen Machine (Urgent)
  • Vehicle  (truck & car repairs)    ($2,300)
  • Insurance Premiums
  • Property Taxes
  • Utility Payments (Electric)
  • Wood Pellets, Fuel Oil, Propane
  • Charlottes Web Hemp Oil
  • Dental Work  (Implants, Crowns, Fillings)
  • Carpet & Installation
  • Bankers Boxes & Storage Boxes
  • Iris (Clear Stack Boxes)17 gal. (17 x 26 x 11)
  • Dog & Cat Food
  • Golf Cart
Here is something else to think about.
Did you TOSS MUCH FOOD in the trash from your refrigerator or storage cupboards last year?

If you are wondering if you can afford $1 or even $10,
let's explore this.  
The average person does throw away quite a bit.  Perhaps you could be more careful about expiration days of food in the refrigerator, in turn causing less waste, resulting in SAVING YOU MONEY . . .  money that perhaps you would kindly consider donating towards stopping starvation.    Maybe you could even brainstorm many other ways to save money over this year, like putting some change in a quart jar and cashing in those coins, placing the funds on a credit card, and then applying a small amount regularly towards stopping starvation. 

Do you know that Restaurants THROW AWAY UNUSED
& EXPIRED food every day in their trash dumpsters?

Even your local restaurants throw away a ton of food, and they could help stop starvations. They regularly throw out unused food. Piles and piles of mountains of food, when you add up the contents of all those dumpsters containing usable food across this great nation. That food needs transportation, so it can be delivered to a food bank or pantry, to benefit those who could immediately use it. And yet, there are most likely within even a few blocks, families though not truly starving, that struggle with their food purchases, who would be thrilled to put that discarded food on their table.  Those families probably don't have a whole lot of food on their table sometimes and have suffered tearful eyes and family fights over their unfortunate situation. These are the working or nonworking American poor, who try to pay their bills, including their mortgage first, yet never have enough. Paying their mortgage may mean cutting back on their food budget.
If only that food was somehow made available to them. What about using a daily donation food truck in the parking lot?  Those same families, in better times, would remember the restaurants who donated and helped in their time of need and become loyal customers in the future. And regular customers would see that restaurant's goodwill and patronize them over other eateries.

Do you also know that  Grocery Stores THROW AWAY UNUSED/expired food in their trash dumpsters?
Management at the top of restaurant chains and grocery stores need to be reminded of the Good Samaritan Act.  That act protects food donors from being liable for the quality of the food once its picked up.  In all of the 50 states and the District of Columbia, this Good Samaritan Law protects food donors from liability, making the organizations handling the food responsible for that liability.

We challenge the millionaire owners and management
of one of these fast-food restaurants or food grocery chains
to step up and lead the way to help stop starvation by curbing this waste
headed for the garbage trucks and landfills.
If only the receiving organizations would be able to quickly preserve and distribute that donated food to the hungry.    "What if . . . more food supply sources would be open to trying something new and faster to improve their current food distribution.   With advanced technology, we could feed more of our country's and the world's hungry.  The best available solutions should be used in feeding the hungry, while constantly looking for improvement.   The Awareness of the hungry pulls at our hearts.  
The conversation has been going a long time. Let that awareness tug at yours too. Somehow, let's really fix these problems.

Perhaps a website by the Food Donation Connection (see under Food Sharing Apps), may be helpful to restaurants and grocery stores to start the conversation.  There may be other websites as well.
If we can all work together, in America, and around the rest of the world,


Starvation CAN be stomped out.

In this age of technology, WE HAVE NO EXCUSE.
We have the power to change things.
We ALL can make the world a much better place if we will just take that first step, and make the decision to give unto others.

Please look at some starvation charity links/banners listed under Hunger Relief.  If you see one you'd like to check out, why not click it, learn some more about hunger, and give one dollar (or more)?   Slowly, but surely, those dollars would all add up.  Even pennies would add up.*  And before we all know it, thousands, perhaps even millions of dollars,  will have been donated to stop starvation. 

Be encouraged!  Please help a child keep on living.   ANY DONATION will help,  and if you cannot spare $1 or $10, please bookmark this website and perhaps one of your children, or grandchildren could.   You will not be judged on how much or how little you give.    You can even donate anonymously.   If you're already a treasured regular giver, you deserve a great BIG THANK YOU,  and if you're a treasured new giver,  a BIG SHOUT OUT TO YOU too.  May you be blessed for your donations.   Come on, let's do it!  Join us and together let's stomp out starvation!



Thank you for joining us to stop starvation, in our countryaround the world, in our lifetime.

Please Remember
If all of us in the developed 18 countries were to 
donate just $33 a year (9¢ a day) to stop starvation:

We could end world hunger.

So in closing, whatever you would like to give, be it $1 or even $5, please believe YOU HAVE DONE YOUR PART in helping stop starvations!  If everyone even gave $1 a year, even that can really make a difference in ending world hunger.  Let us all not look back in 20 years and regret not doing anything about it.  Everyday people are dying.  Starving because of nation troubles, wars, drought, climate change, etc.  The time is now.

Feel free to check out any of the helpful websites listed below.  Be reassured the poor children of this world (including unfortunate children in our very own country) THANK YOU as they eat urgently needed food.   They are the lucky ones.  You may take comfort as you think of all the people you may hope to meet someday when your life on this earth is over . . . remember you're not getting any younger.   Congratulations on understanding that  YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE and not just saying you'll do it someday, but instead finding a way to click a donation button.
Final Thoughts
Donations big, small, whatever these children will be truly grateful if you just donate something, ANYTHING, so that they will not have died in vain. It's a war out there, and every day is a battle for survival. Any amount you can spare will help stop starvation.

Bless your hearts. Help others. Help the poor, the orphans, the widows.
Learn more by visiting any website under the Hunger Relief header above. You may also contact us at:, 6757 Cascade Rd SE 110, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 / email: [email protected]

Together we can make an impact on other's lives
clear on the other side of the world without even leaving our homes.
  Memorable teachable moments for you and your family during the pandemic.
For more information, please visit any of the hunger and relief websites listed on this website's main menu under Hunger Relief.  Let your conscience be your guide.